Your voices resulted in 8 Amendments for vote by City Council on Dec. 15
The Historic Resource Code Project has lots of great new provisions for stronger and more efficiently administered historic resource protections. But there were still lots of concerns raised by YOUR voices during the recent hearings. Some of the Commissioners have heard you and introduced 8 Amendments that can help fix the most serious problems. We need at least three Council votes for each of the Amendments listed below, and your testimony counts!
You can read the details of all 8 here, including which Commissioners submitted each. Submit written testimony using the MapApp here. or... Sign up to testify verbally via Zoom starting at 2pm on Dec. 15. Pointers on verbal testimony here.
The Portland Coalition for Historic Resources has reviewed the Amendments in detail and has sent this message to City Council with full recommendations.
Briefly, here's our take on these amendments... Cut and paste these points into your testimony or compose your own.
Amendment 3: Fixes problems with criteria for approving demolition of historic resources to discourage "demolition by neglect".
Amendment 5: Ensures balanced recommendations to City Council on new or altered Historic Districts from both the Historic Landmarks Commission AND the Planning and Sustainability Commission -- not just PSC, which considers only development opportunities.
Amendment 6: Keeps the current requirements for professional competency of members of the Historic Landmarks Commission, not the HRCP proposal that would allow anti-preservation lawyers and developers to dominate the Commission.
Other Amendments we support:
Amendment 1: Prevents zoning height bonuses from incentivizing historic resource demolitions
Amendment 2: Streamlines historic resource review of affordable housing projects -- a problem not completely fixed in HRCP
Amendment 4: Clarifies rules for 120-day demolition delay that allows buildings to be maintained during the delay period